Pixlr X Remove Background — Using Pixlr X Background Removal Tools
Pixlr X has a bunch of tools that can help you remove image background. I’m gonna show you how to use them today first thing we have to do is load up a goofy image of me.
So all we do is drag the image on to the screen then we select add current and boom there’s a goofy image of me. Then we want to select our cutout tool and we’re going to start with the shape tool.
We’re gonna use a square for this and just make sure that you have remove selected then. We just draw boxes on the screen in the locations where we want to remove stuff and for this we’re just trying to remove the biggest chunks that we can next I’ll show you how to use the magic cutout tool.
This is really good for backgrounds that are all one color all. You do is click on a color and it will move all the pixels that are similar colors that are connected to the one that you clicked and you can adjust the tolerance. So it’ll pick more or less based on the tolerance that you assign.
Then we’re gonna use the draw cutout tool this is really good for getting that fine edging around your cutout click your left mouse button and draw over the area that you want to remove. You can see it leaves this little red tint to it.
You can change the color of the tint if you want but it shows you the area that it’s going to remove. You just release the left mouse button and boom it removes the area that you drew over next.
We’ll toss a logo in here this is really easy you can use the magic tool to just select the white and it’s going to remove that white box around our object and man it doesn’t get any easier than that and that’s how I use Pixlr X to remove backgrounds from my images.